The Goodwood Members’ Meeting is this coming weekend, and as ever it offers a full programme of track activity with 15 races and a host of demonstration runs.
Saturday April 6th
07:00 Car Parks Open
07:30 Gates Open
08:20 Two-lap parade - Governors' cars
09:30 Parade: McLaren road cars (2 laps + in-lap)
10:00 Practice: Betty Richmond Trophy Heat 1 (15 mins)
10:25 Practice: Betty Richmond Trophy Heat 2 (15 mins)
10:50 Practice: Gerry Marshall Trophy (30 mins – two-driver)
11:30 Practice: Parnell Cup (15 mins)
11:55 Practice: Derek Bell Cup (15 mins)
12:25 Spectator Grid Walk
12:50 High Speed Demonstration: NASCAR (15 mins)
13:15 Practice: Sheene Trophy (15 mins)
13:40 Practice: Tony Gaze Trophy (15 mins)
14:05 Practice: John Duff Trophy (15 mins)
14:35 Demonstration: Porsche 917s (Out lap to grid, then 1 lap + in-lap)
14:45 Practice: Graham Hill Trophy (30 mins – two-driver)
15:25 Practice: SF Edge Trophy (15 mins)
15:50 Practice: Gurney Cup (15 mins)
16:15 Practice: Peter Collins Trophy (15 mins)
16:45 High Speed Demonstration: Procar (15 mins)
17:15 Race 1: Betty Richmond Trophy Heat 1 (20 mins)
17:55 Race 2: Betty Richmond Trophy Heat 2 (20 mins)
18:35 Race 3: Gerry Marshall Trophy (45 mins, two-driver)
19:40 High Speed Demonstration: Le Mans Prototypes (15 mins)
20:05 Evening Festivities
22:00 Fireworks
22:15h Close
Sunday April 7th
07:00 Car Parks Open
07:30 Gates Open
08:20 Two-lap parade - Governors' cars
08:40 Parade: McLaren road cars (2 laps + in-lap)
09:00 Race 4: Parnell Cup (20 mins)
09:40 Race 5: Derek Bell Cup (20 mins)
10:20 Race 6: Sheene Trophy (20 mins)
10:55 Demonstration: Porsche 917s (Out lap to grid, then 1 lap + in-lap)
11:15 Race 7: Tony Gaze Trophy (20 mins)
11:50 Spectator Grid Walk
12:10 High Speed Demonstration: Le Mans Prototypes (10 mins)
12:40 Race 8: John Duff Trophy (20 mins)
13:20 Race 9: Graham Hill Trophy (45 mins, two-driver)
14:20 High Speed Demonstration: Procar (15 mins)
14:50 Race 10: Gerry Marshall Sprint (15 mins)
15:20 Race 11: SF Edge Trophy (20 mins)
16:00 Race 12: Betty Richmond Trophy Final (20 mins)
16:35 High Speed Demonstration: NASCAR (15 mins)
17:10 Race 14: Gurney Cup (20 mins)
17:50 Race 15: Peter Collins Trophy (20 mins)
18:45 Prize Giving in The Great Hall
19:00 Main Showground Closes